Expansion and Shrinkage of melting foam and its measuring (presented at Modest2018)

Expansion and Shrinkage of melting foam and its measuring (presented at Modest2018)

We presented on the strain change of XPS during temperature increasing on Modest2018. XPS starts to expand around Tg, but Tg+20℃ over, the size radically decreases, it depends on the porosity and viscosity of XPS at the range of these temperatures. Anyhow, during the fire disaster, generally the temperature overcomes to Tg+20℃, then the important preventing from severe must make segregate voids. Volume of PS in XPS and its combustion heat is comparative tiny. on the other hand, voids after melted XPS makes continual air flow and it contributes to fire extension. disaster because of externally installed XPS. How to estimate voids of external insulating systemat each temperature is one of most important in fire simulation.

Experimental approaches about void estimation in room corner and other authorized method seem to be necessary in the near future.

in-situ strain and viscoelasicity of XPS during temperature rising
